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Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) has taken a significant step forward in preparing the next generation of drilling engineers by integrating cutting-edge drilling engineering software iQx into its curriculum. Recognising the importance of practical skills and industry-relevant training, NTNU has introduced iQx time, cost and risk management software as a core component of its engineering programmes.

With the aim of providing students with hands-on experience and enhancing their understanding of modern well engineering practices, NTNU and AGR Software partnered to incorporate field-proven iQx drilling engineering software into its bachelor and masters courses.

Investing in the talents of tomorrow is key to driving sustainable energy production. The future energy industry stars we met are a testament to that. Their passion and insights fuel our commitment to developing solutions that empower engineers to drill deeply into engineering tasks. This is made possible by the time they save through efficient resource allocation achieved via the standardization of well time and risk management.

By integrating drilling engineering software into its curriculum, NTNU is equipping students with the tools and knowledge needed to excel in the field of drilling engineering. This initiative not only enhances the academic experience but also prepares students for careers in the oil and gas industry by aligning their education with industry standards and requirements.