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Well Kill

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Anna-Lena Hellman

AGR’s permanent in-house subsurface team was engaged to build this full field model. The design of the model was set to cater for several objectives such as a basis for prediction and production prognosis, daily production optimisation, well planning of infill wells, reservoir management and facility modifications.

The Draugen field is approaching 30 years of production and is expected to deliver for several more years to come. Draugen was discovered in 1984 and the oil is found in the Garn and Rogn formations, of which the latter holds approximately 90% of the reserves.

The production is declining and the Operator of the field, OKEA ASA, aimed to map the opportunities to most effectively exploit the remaining reserves. OKEA acquired the operatorship recently and needed a complete revision of the reservoir model for the field. New well and seismic data together with production history since the latest vintage of reservoir modelling (10 years ago) needed to be fully incorporated.

AGR Approach

AGR assembled a highly experienced, in-house multidisciplinary team of experts. They performed thorough and in-depth studies in petrophysics, seismic interpretation, 4D review, sedimentology, fluid behaviour and production history, as basis for the model building. An integrated static/dynamic approach to modelling was used for a best possible solution. Team members boasted an average of 20 years of experience in both E&P and bespoke service companies.

The Solutions

AGR’s niche team constructed a full ensemble-based uncertainty workflow, which was run by using industry practice software solutions. From the filtered ensemble, a history-matched-base case model was delivered. The uncertainty range among in-place volumes and recoverable volumes were estimated.


AGR provided a history matched reservoir model that enabled OKEA to optimise reservoir management, prognosis of future production and planning of in-fill targets.

Key Capabilities

  • Reservoir Modelling
  • History Matching
  • Reservoir Geology
  • Seismic Interpretation
  • Petrophysical Evaluation
  • Ensemble-based Uncertainty Workflow
Erik-Lorange-cropped Erik Lorange
VP Reservoir Management
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