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Well Kill

and Emergency Support

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Relief Well & Well Control Equipment

Recognizing the pivotal role of relief well planning in mitigating the risks linked with well control incidents, we prioritize its meticulous execution. Drawing upon our wealth of experience and expertise gathered from actual well incidents, we excel in crafting comprehensive relief well plans precisely customized to the distinct requirements of each project. In well control emergencies, possessing the appropriate relief well equipment is indispensable. That’s why we provide a diverse selection of specialized relief well equipment carefully crafted to bolster effective well control operations.

Our relief well plans identify potential constraints and offer design solutions, including specifics on spud locations, well trajectories, ranging strategies, and intersection methods.

The Relief Well Injection Spool (RWIS) enables safe and rapid kill of a blowing well

The RWIS is a game-changing tool for high-rate dynamic bottom kill relief well operations. This valve-based device increases flow capacity, making a single relief well a safer and less complex solution compared to drilling multiple relief wells in the event of a subsea blowout.

The 15,000 psi rated RWIS sits between the relief wellhead and the BOP at a maximum water depth of 10,000 ft. It offers inlets for multiple pumping vessels to connect hydraulically through flexible lines, enabling the efficient injection of kill fluid into the relief well.

For blowouts where the kill requirements are lower, the RWIS may still provide benefits by allowing a shallower intersect that saves time and limits the spill volumes. In cases where the dynamic kill requirements drive the well design, the RWIS may provide significant savings on the casing, completion and field development.

BOP and well control equipment audits

The Blowout Preventer (BOP) and its accompanying well control equipment stand as the utmost crucial safety components aboard a drilling rig. Should these systems fail, the consequences could be catastrophic, potentially resulting in loss of life, environmental harm, and substantial financial repercussions for the operator.

Hence, it is paramount that all well control equipment undergoes regular maintenance, inspection, certification, and testing to guarantee its ability to offer the necessary level of protection throughout its operational lifespan.

In close collaboration with our sister company, ABL, we verify that BOP and well control equipment are maintained, inspected, certified and tested in compliance with regulatory requirements and international standards.

What we do:

  • Review of WCE documentation, certification and preventive maintenance systems
  • Witness inspection and testing of:
  • Surface and subsea BOP stacks
  • BOP control systems
  • Marine riser systems
  • Choke & kill systems
  • Witness commissioning and acceptance testing
  • Perform GAP analysis : WCE equipment specifications vs. API/NORSOK/regulations
  • HPHT and deep water suitability check

Our clients are empowered with a comprehensive final report summarizing the work performed, encompassing risk-assessed findings, recommendations, and detailed checklists featuring specifics and accompanying pictures. Additionally, we furnish a Certificate of Witness to validate equipment compliance with client-owner and/or local authorities’ requirements, international standards, and legislation.

Well control equipment you can trust

PSA, Facilities Regulations Section 49 Well Control Equipment
Well control equipment shall be designed and capable of activation such that is ensures both barrier integrity and well control

API RP 53 – SPE23900
Drilling a well using BOP equipment can prove to be hazardous and costly. Equipment deterioration can result in less than desired BOP performance, leading to injury or death, loss of equipment and environmental disruption. A study indicates one in five blowouts is a direct result of BOP equipment malfunction or failure.

Energy Institute Model Code of Safe Practice Part 17 vol 2
Safe and efficient conduct of drilling operations can only be achieved with correctly specified equipment of the appropriate standard

The value we bring

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Expertise and Experience

Regulations and approvals icon

Comprehensive solutions

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Reliable equipment

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Peace of mind

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