80+ projects delivered
The requirements for carbon capture, storage and utilisation (CCUS) goals can be demanding for your business. With expertise in geoscience, reservoir and drilling, and CO₂ injection and storage, we are primed to work as your CCS consulting partner and achieve amazing results together.
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is an essential part of decarbonisation of heavy industries and removing hard-to-abate emissions from the atmosphere. But the targets currently set by regulations like the 2016 Paris climate agreement don’t align with the present realities: CCUS needs to capture at least a fifth of CO2 emitted by the fossil fuel industry by 2050. Currently, this stands at less than 4%.
In order to shift these numbers in a positive direction – and help organisations to reap the production rewards that come with efficient carbon utilisation – our carbon capture and sequestration consultants work with clients like you to achieve impressive results and build a greener future for everybody.
According to the latest projections by the International Energy Agency (IEA), to deliver deep emissions reductions and limit global temperature increases to 2°C by 2060, 14% of cumulative
emission reductions must be derived from CCUS technologies.
However, this is often easier said than done. Kickstarting a decarbonisation journey can be incredibly tough, particularly if your in-house teams lack the expertise and knowledge to really
know where to make an impact.
While CCUS technology implemetation is on rise, CCS does present challenges. What sets it apart from the conventional E&P lifecycle is the requirement to predict and understand the behaviour of the subsurface not only during injection but also for the long term storage of CO2.
Regulatory oversight of these operations poses additional demands on organisations, with increased scrutiny on monitoring and verification of capture, transport and storage methods.
A positive legacy of the hydrocarbons sector towards impactful climate change is the use of its expertise and experience to convert deep, largely empty reservoirs as safe and secure sanctums for CO2.
Transitioning to net-zero on a company scale can be just as intimidating as the bigger national picture. Often, kickstarting a decarbonisation journey can be the toughest step, with challenges including:
To make sure that your processes align with regulatory requirements and maximise the efficiency of your carbon capture and storage efforts, you need the backing of an experienced, reliable team.
Many of our clients are pressing ahead and with the support of AGR are bringing together the skill sets required to deliver CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) projects and overcome these challenges.
They have chosen AGR because we provide a wide range of expertise across the scientific, technological and operational hurdles they face.
It is a specialist resource that has been built up as part of our business for over 20 years. During this time we have worked with operators and government bodies globally, supporting them in their drive to reduce CO2 emissions through CCS technology.
Our clients look to us as a trusted partner within the disciplines of geoscience, reservoir and drilling, compliance, HSE, facilities and cost engineering.
Depending on your specific requirements, our carbon capture and storage capabilities include:
We operate and maintain CCS projects over the long term – from vessel evaluation, subsurface through to full drilling project management and third-party verification, asset repurposing and to ensure CO2 remains underground.
Our clients receive expertise in key stages:
80+ projects delivered
Carbon management experts providing end-to-end consultancy from capture to transport and storage
500+ wells and subsurface experts