Value we delivered to the client:
- Overburden analysis
- Fracture gradients
- Max min stress magnitude and direction
- Pore pressure modelling
- Mud window stratgey for safe drilling
AGR’s Reservoir Management and Subsurface team delivered a project offshore Ghana where expertise within techlog and Mechanical Earth Modelling (MEM) was required.
We delivered a full geomechanical model of subsurface characteristics enabling well design with focus on well bore stability, extended reach drilling plan, and cost control.
A geothermal well will aim for fractures or deep porous reservoirs, and the planning of these wells need to take into consideration fracture and matrix porosity as well as anomalies, fracture directions and local thermal gradient.
You can count on us to provide expertise within geomechanical modelling fracturing and faulting from logs and seismic which is essential input to planning of geothermal wells.
The key cost driver in geothermal energy projects are cost of drilling deep wells. How deep to find sufficient temperature and formation with fractures and/or porosity, are the prerequisites requiring G&G insights. By pulling resources from our multi-disciplinary engineering pool, we help clients navigate their way through the complex set of geological, technological, and commercial challenges they face in geothermal energy exploration and production.
You can trust us to bring clarity and security for decision making in the uncertain geothermal environment.
Value we delivered to the client: