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Lynden Duthie

The Buzzard Phase II project was delivered by an Alliance, led by CNOOC International together with its supply chain partners AGR, Baker Hughes, COSL Drilling Europe AS, Subsea7 and Worley.

As well engineering and drilling project manager, we supported the innovative supply chain collaboration model to deliver a successful development campaign.

BPII is a subsea development in the Northern Area of the Buzzard field. It is located approximately 100 kilometers northeast of Aberdeen, with average water depth of approximately 96 meters. The field currently consists of two producer wells and two water injections wells. The installation also includes a subsea production and water injection manifold located at a new drill center, tied back to the existing Buzzard facility.

The ECITB’s Collaboration Toolkit (The Engineering Construction Industry Training Board) was used early in the project to assist and measure the collaborative setup of the project and benchmark the Alliance’s culture and behaviours throughout the project.

There was a particular emphasis on early project workshop, team connections, creation of a project charter and focusing on establishing a shared outcome-focused vision by the Alliance parties. The integrated project team worked collaboratively to deliver the pre-determined outcome-focused goals.

A high level of integration, trust, collaboration and effective outcome-focused incentivisation has reduced risk and driven value throughout the project.

The project utilised an outcome-based contracting methodology rather than the conventional transactional contracting model, which focused the project management teams on delivering key milestones to achieve additional profit on the project beyond the fixed fee contained in each project contract.

Lynden Duthie new Lynden Duthie
MD Well Management, Australia
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First oil was successfully achieved in November 2021. The project and Buzzard asset teams executed the project without contributing to a single lost/deferred barrel of Buzzard production and delivered the project within its original sanctioned cost estimate.