Free well control response webinar: Using visual simulators as a training tool to assure preparedness for well integrity incidents is a proven method for minimizing response time and improving the effectiveness of your source control operations.
Source control exercises, or “spill drills” should be held routinely, and in the US, they are required to be held on an annual basis to comply with regulations.
In this webinar, well control and emergency response experts from Add Energy, Oxy Petroleum and Trendsetter Engineering co-present a case study on planning and executing a well control exercise using a visual simulator as a well kill response training tool and delve into:
- Common challenges and lessons learned from spill drill exercises across the world
- Proven workflows for source control
- How an interactive training tool can mimic a real-world incident and significantly enhance source control exercises
- How a virtual ROV (remote operating vehicle) can visualize a subsea capping operation through the incorporation of
- OLGA-WELL-KILL multiphase simulator, to model fluid behavior during a blowout and source control operation
- Soft shut in tactics and procedures
- Capping stack deployment and installation procedures
- Isolation well integrity testing